Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Poetry that slams

You needn't tell me
you're coming back for me
to salvage me
because I'm rare
I am already filled
to the brim
with air
and its burning hot
on my back
as I lay here
in a knot
that you tied
that I am trying
to untie
but it seems
that your lies
are the best way
to create a tie
that is impossible
to untie.

"You're pretty"
is so very
because my beauty
only lasts
as long as your
promises last
and I would hardly
call that
time a length
But I'll take the compliment
because I know it's
to supplement
your lack of strength.

Is it really so hard
to look me in the face
and ask me to discard
all the things "set in stone"
that only death itself would postpone?

Is it so tough
to look me in the eyes
when I call the bluff
reflected in your eyes
that you're not the Samson
you claimed
you would become
when this was all
said and done?

Is it really that difficult
to hold my hand
and admit every fault
like a dignified man
who takes a stand
for the unplanned
amount of pain
in full
of which you are
greatly responsible?

Oh? Yes, you say?
It is indeed?
Then you just stay,
and take a seat
with the rest
who are waiting
for that big test
that life is writing
for them
as they sit
prepared with courage
and wit
with widsom mesmorized
and strength found
only in their eyes
Waiting for the chance
to prove they can dance
in this world as a man.

But hey, make sure
you find a chair
that comfortably reclines
because you will
be sitting there
for a very, very
very long time.


Anonymous said...

You deserve so much more strength than he gave you. And God will provide you someone with that strength, His strength.

Anonymous said...

...someones angry

Dars said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dars said...

Heheh...nah. Anger is a step of the grieving process, indeed. But I´m way past that step. This is not anger, it´s only truth.

Anonymous said...

what good does sharing a bitter truth add to the world?

Dars said...

Probably none. It´s poetry; you communicate your feelings. Plus, I don´t feel like my feelings in this poem were bitter. Maybe you just read it that way.